Painted cardboard label

  Cardboard coding in painted cardboard label using CO2 lasers is one of the most widespread types of marking in the industry. However, the increasing power capacity and improved optical performance of lasers have made it possible to evolve from encoding an expiration date to encoding full labels. In the case of the application presented, a […]

Metal Trophy Laser Marking

An award is one of the most appreciated ways in which we recognise achievement that anyone would be excited to receive. Behind each Metal Trophy Laser Marking, there is a story, not only of who receives the trophy, but of the trophy itself. In this case, Macsa id has collaborated with the artist Ramón Enrich in […]

Glass bottle laser marking

Marking and coding of the glass can be done using different laser technologies. Although the best known is the C Series CO2 technology, which provides very high coding speeds, the reactions produced by this type of laser are irregular. This is due to the interaction between light and glass molecules is calorific and generates a […]

Datamatrix laser marking on automotive components

marcaje láser datamatrix

Engineering plastics are widely used in the automotive world. They possess properties such as wear resistance, flame resistance and light weight that make the material ideal for applications in different parts of vehicles, specific variants can be developed to meet the needs of specific applications. For marking technical plastics, one of the best marking technologies is MOPA laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm, and programmable […]

Antigen test coding

codificacion test antigenos

One of the keys to controlling the evolution of COVID-19 and combating its spread is performing diagnostic tests and tracking infections. In the case of diagnostic tests, in addition to the well-known PCR tests, antigen tests are a very useful tool for rapid detection and prevention screening. These tests, which are performed by analysing a […]

Laser marking at two heights on a plastic switch

Laser marking at two heights

The marking of plastic parts by means of laser technology, in this case, laser marking at two heights on a plastic switch, is a tool increasingly used ahead of techniques such as screen printing or stamping. One of the keys is the possibility of customizing the parts for different markets by modifying the language or […]

Laser marking on plastic electronic components

Marcaje láser componentes electricos plástico

Laser marking on plastic electronic components The electronic components industry uses a wide variety of plastics due to the varied functions required and the properties they provide. In general, plastics can be marked with fiber or DPSS lasers, the latter providing a better response for contrast generation. However, each plastic poses its own difficulties that […]

Laser marking on biodegradable capsules

Laser marking on biodegradable capsules One of society’s most important challenges is the sustainability of the planet and the role effective recycling plays within that. That is why the packaging industry is constantly innovating to develop products that are recyclable and have minimal impact on the environment, while at the same time offering new functional […]

Polypropylene tray laser coding

Polypropylene tray laser coding

Polypropylene tray laser coding Polypropylene is a type of thermoplastic that, thanks to its strength and light weight properties, is increasingly used in various types of applications, especially in the food industry. In fact, polypropylene is a versatile and fully recyclable plastic, which means that it is being used as a substitute for other not-so-recyclable plastics. […]

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