Coding on polyolefin tags

Coding on polyolefin tags

Table of Contents

Marking and coding on polyolefin requires testing to find the type of laser that best suits the needs of the client. However, since this material does not have a precise composition, as is common in polymers, each manufacturer uses its own composition. Another disadvantage of this type of marking is the colour of the polyolefin material.

In this case, we have used the Macsa D-5020DUO DPSS laser to achieve high contrast and readable markingat the expected speed. In this application, power plays an important role to help find the best contrast for the different coloured labels. D-DUO Series lasers achieve a high marking contrast without thermally damaging the substrate and its Dual Processor provides the ability to work in fast cycles even with variable data.


Technical Information

  • Laser: Macsa D-5020 DUOIndustrial laser D5000 Macsa ID
  • Lens: 100 x 100
  • Market: Automotive
  • Application type: Codification
  • Product: Label
  • Material: Polyolefin
  • Marking type: Static
  • Marking time: 0,164 sec


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