Film laser marking (Sleeve)

Film laser marking (Sleeve)

Table of Contents

Macsa ID laser equipment is used to encode and mark products of a wide variety of materials, including paper, cardboard, plastics (PET, PVC, HDPE), glass, metals and wood. The messages and graphics that are achieved are of high quality, at a minimum operating cost and at high speeds.
Application News regularly provides a sample of products that are encoded and labelled with Macsa ID lasers, every day and worldwide.

Film laser marking (Sleeve)

Film laser marking (Sleeve)

Manufacturers in the beverage market, such as juice makers, must code their product packaging, and do so on high-speed lines, marking a wide range of materials in one of the most demanding production environments there is.

In the juice section of supermarkets, where we can find many fruit-based products, the trend is that consumers are looking for healthy and nutritious beverages. Increasingly there is a demand for more information on manufacturing, production and benefits in this respect. The most demanded of which are increasing energy and strengthening the immune system, being accentuated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Consumers are more conscious of the importance of sustainable packaging, which should be coded with sustainable and environmentally friendly technologies, as is the case for laser coding, since it does not use additional material or generate waste.

In this application, we have laser coded the plastic film of the container, achieving a high contrast on the opaque surface, offering a consistent, 100% legible marking. The coding consists of 80 characters, divided into 4 lines of text, marked at a speed of 30,000 bottles per hour.

Thanks to the fiber film laser equipment, we achieve expected results at high speeds without damaging the film while keeping the properties of the container and its contents intact.

Film laser marking (Sleeve)

Technical Data

  • Laser: SPA F Film 9050
  • Lens: 160x160mm
  • Market: Beverage
  • Application Type: Coding
  • Product: Orange Juice
  • Material:  Film sleeve
  • Marking Type: Dynamic
  • Marking Time:55m / min

Film laser marking (Sleeve)

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