How to improve industrial marking in the construction sector

How to improve industrial marking in the construction sector

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Using industrial marking in the construction sector could improve work processes and reduce costs, while increasing the productivity of operators.

However, there are certain circumstances that must be taken into account for coding these materials:

  1. Construction materials are usually exposed to the elements for a long time so their coding must be very resistant and ensure that the inks used can withstand moisture, friction, the temperature and sunlight.
  2. It is essential to use permanent inks that dry very quickly so that on materials such as cabling, which is stored in stacks, the coding does not smudge or rub off on other materials.
  3. Manufacturers need a flexible and adaptable marking system so that those who make a wide range of products in different materials and shapes can achieve high-quality coding on all of them.

Lasers are an option to consider when working with materials that do not allow coding with ink (CIJ) or materials upon which codings do not last long. They provide high-quality markings on substrates such as plastic, rubber and PVC and their markings are guaranteed to stand out over any shade with no colour variation over time.

If you would like us to evaluate which coding system is the right one for your company, please contact us. At MACSA ID we have laser and CIJ solutions that can optimise the industrial marking of your products with a high level of quality and reliability.

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