Laser Marking on Flexible Material

Laser Marking on Flexible Material

Table of Contents

Macsa ID equipment is used to code and mark products from a wide variety of materials, including paper, cardboard, plastics (PET, PVC, HDPE), glass, metals, and wood. The messages and graphics that are achieved are high quality, done at a minimum operating cost and at high speeds.
Application News demonstrates a sample of products that are coded and marked with Macsa ID lasers, every day and around the world.

Finding a food product without a traceability code and without an expiration date marked today is practically impossible. That is exactly what we are focused on in today’s Application News, marking a traceability code and an expiration date on flexible food packaging.

Laser Marking on Flexible Material

Laser Marking on Flexible Material

Marking on a film can be complicated depending on the quality of its material, color and even the product on which it is going to be placed. However, everything changes when they have an area specifically reserved to favor the contrast of the markings such as those in this Application News.

As shown in the photos, with our Macsa id SPA 2 30W laser, we were able to remove the thin black layer from the area reserved for marking and thus obtained a high contrast, giving way to the lighter colors of the film and achieved high-resolution marking at high speeds. Always taking into account not to damage the barrier materials (whether they are oxygen or light) mostly present in food packaging to avoid shortening the conservation time of its contents.

Laser Marking on Flexible Material

Technical Data

  • Laser Macsa ID SPA 2  30W 
  • Lens:  100x100mm
  • Market: Beverage
  • Application Type: Marking
  • Product: Instant coffee
  • Material: Film
  • Marking Type: Static
  • Marking Time: 0.25s

Would you like more information about Laser Marking on Flexible MaterialContact us and we will contact you shortly to find the best solution.

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