Macsa ID in the world of industrial coding, since 1908

Macsa ID in the world of industrial coding, since 1908

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The origins of Macsa ID date back to 1908 in Manresa (Barcelona), when a small family business began to manufacture rubber stamps and labelling elements for companies and professionals of the city. In just a few years, its business had expanded to the rest of the country, distributing machinery and consumables for stamp manufacturers throughout Spain.

In the 1980s, the company’s business was refocused to offer solutions for the ever more sophisticated and complex needs of customers who wanted to do industrial marking. The broad demand for these services led Framun to create an independent line: Macsa ID. It would develop solutions for the industrial laser marking and coding market of an increasingly sophisticated and complex nature.

Today, Macsa ID provides coding, identification and traceability solutions, combining different technologies, for the food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, automotive and electronics sectors, among others.

With sales offices in Portugal, Mexico and Singapore, Macsa ID is currently the only Spanish company to manufacture laser marking equipment and is the first in the world to develop a dynamic laser for coding on production lines. This system enables the printing of alphanumeric characters, logos and barcodes with the product in movement on a production line at speeds of up to 575 metres per minute and can generate 3,000 characters per second. This dynamic laser has been patented in Europe, the United States and Japan.

Macsa ID holds several major international patents and is responsible for many advances in the laser marking industry on a global level. This is due to the experience gained since the launch of the first dynamic laser in 1990 and the introduction of fibre lasers in 2009.

For more information, please contact us at  +34 93 873 87 98 or by mail at macsa@macsa.com

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