Macsa ID is introducing at Pack Expo International the latest news in coding, labelling and traceability equipment for packaging.

Macsa ID is introducing at Pack Expo International the latest news in coding, labelling and traceability equipment for packaging.

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Macsa ID will showcase at the Chicago Pack Expo International held from 6 to 9 november in McCornick Place, Illinois.

Pack Expo International is the world’s largest packaging event in 2016, the best showcase for packaging and technology-coding companies exhibiting under the spotlight of international attention.

The increasing public awareness of environmental issues has resulted in an increasing demand for sustainable packaging operations and processing. Sustainability initiatives have progressed significantly and they resulted in reducing the use of consumables and the growing demand for more energy-efficient equipment.

Macsa ID adds to this meeting by introducing its upmarket SPA lasers, clean and without wastes, they are modular lasers able to grow and adapt to new production needs; ICON 2, the most recent innovation by Macsa ID in coding lasers specific for small characters with a focused high performance and sustainability design; and DigiLase, the laser printing technology that allows Inkless In-line Digital Printing, resulting of a collaboration between XEROX and DataLase Co. Ltd.

Visit us at our booth nº 6137, Upper North Building, McCornick Place, Illinois.

Get further information regarding this event and Macs ID at:
www.macsa.com  /  e-mail: macsa@macsa.com

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Do not hesitate to contact us for further information about our products, solutions and our company. Your comments and suggestions are really appreciated.

Call us at +34.93.873.87.98 or fill in the form with your data.

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