Macsa will exhibit in the next Empack 2015 that will take place in IFEMA (Madrid) next 18th and 19th of November.

Macsa will exhibit in the next Empack 2015 that will take place in IFEMA (Madrid) next 18th and 19th of November.

Table of Contents

Macsa ID,  that provides solutions to its customers’ coding, identification and traceability needs in different technologies, like hardware and software, will offer the labelling system idBlocks, different options of laser for coding and the new inkjet Linx 8900.

MACSA ID members will be delighted to welcome you to the stand and show placed in Hall 4 – Stand G-26-H-25  in IFEMA – Feria de Madrid

Do you need help?

Do not hesitate to contact us for further information about our products, solutions and our company. Your comments and suggestions are really appreciated.

Call us at +34.93.873.87.98 or fill in the form with your data.

Do you have doubts?

Download a brochure

Take away detailed information for our SPA range. If you provide your email address, we’ll send contact details of your personal product advisor for any future questions.

Download your brochure here: