Marking in glass bottle

Marking in glass bottle

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Marqués de Riscal is a winery with a long tradition, innovative, pioneering and leading in the wine sector.

Marqués de Riscal asked Macsa ID about the need to find a labelling system for its bottles that would make it easier to identify its production and guarantee the traceability of each one of them.

Macsa ID had the challenge of designing a new marking system based on printing on the back of the bottle rather than on the back of the label as was had been done previously. To do this, the MACSA Laser K1030HPD is currently used to mark directly and with the desired quality on the glass a 6 mm three-digit number that identifies the batch and the pallet to which the bottle belongs, combining it with a 205×250 lens that covers the entire box surface and prints at the same time all the bottles in it.

Macsa ID has also set a software so that once completed the marking all the bottles of a pallet, the marked number is increased by one digit automatically.

The solution installed by Macsa ID thus fulfills the two objectives posed by the wineries, it allows to follow the traceability of each bottle, the batch, the production date and know from which distributor comes every single bottle, thus without stopping the production so reducing time and gaining effectiveness.

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