PET laser cutting for protective mask manufacturing

PET laser cutting for protective mask manufacturing

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PET laser cutting for protective mask manufacturing

Sometimes the world receives a blow for which it is not prepared, which puts society’s proactivity, agility, efficiency and solidarity to the test. During this COVID-19 crisis, the world is responding in an exemplary manner.

One of the keys to containing this pandemic is the protection of people. A large number of companies have modified their production to provide PPE (personal protective equipment) and elements such as respirators, gloves and masks to name a few.

PET film on is used for the production of protective masks. It is a material that is used in many sectors and is normally coded with CO2 equipment with a wavelength of 9.3 μm due to the reaction it generates, although CO2 equipment can also be used to cut it.

In this application, we cut PET sheets used in the manufacture of protective masks. For this, we use a CO2 equipment with a HPD (High Power Density) head that allows having a higher density of concentrated energy for the cut because we need to work in large areas (350×350 mm). The result is a clean cut that allows us to work in a versatile and efficient way.

From everyone here at Macsa ID, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of society who are working so hard to contain this pandemic and wish everyone a speedy recovery and return to normality. 

Technical Information

  • Laser: SPA CF 30 HPD
  • Lens: 350×350
  • Market: Medical devices
  • Application type: Cutting
  • Product: Protective mask
  • Material: PET film
  • Marking type: Static
  • Marking time: 6.5 seconds

corte láser de PET

For more information about PET laser cutting, please contact us.

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